Richmond Road, Gillingham, Kent ME7 1LS

01634 334344

Burnt Oak Primary School


Numeracy is a key life skill. At Burnt Oak we believe in ‘Learning Centered’ teaching, meaning that each element of whole school and classroom practice is designed with an understanding of how children learn best at its heart.

The school follows the New National Curriculum.  Our aim is to teach the skills and concepts which enable children to use and apply mathematics effectively in everyday situations involving number work, shape, space, measures and data handling. We strive to improve the children's reasoning and problems solving skills by developing children's ability to explain their answer mathematically.

We strive to build confidence, resilience and a passion for maths.  We encourage children to develop their enjoyment and understanding through practical experience.  As children progress through the school there is more emphasis on mental and oral work, with various strategies taught alongside the standard written formats.

At Burnt Oak children are encouraged to learn their times tables. Every year has weekly times tables lessons. Times tables are learnt through recall. songs, games and practical activities. 

Schemes of work

As we have moved into using the new curriculum, we have created a programme of study. This is available to look at below.

We also follow the 'White Rose Scheme' to expose children to a range of mathematical questions expanding on their varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving. 

In your child’s book and the classroom will be targets they must achieve within the level they are working within. These are also below.


Parent folder
Showing 1-6 of 6

Numeracy Board

In each classroom is a number line and a numeracy working wall. These are for the support of the children and contain key words / phrases the children might need.

Outside the ICT suite is a board dedicated to the excellence of numeracy at Burnt Oak. There will be two questions displayed for the children to answer. The best answers are given certificates in celebration assembly. These questions cover shape, space and measure, number, data handling and problem solving.

Math Ambassadors

Math Ambassadors are a new concept at Burnt Oak. We want to reward achievement in Numeracy across the school. In Year 6, children are chosen to be Math Ambassadors. These children will then work several times a year with other year groups developing their own skills and the skills of others by teaching small groups.

This year the Math Ambassadors are Malachi, Eliza, Sofia and Alfie.


This is a program that all children from Reception to Year 6 have access to.  It aims to develop children’s maths skills through a fun and interactive way.  It can be accessed from home or pupils are welcome in the ICT suite during the lunchtime.

The site often has many numeracy challenges taking place and the children can compete against their class mates as well as children from around the world safely.

Each week the top 3 children from our school are rewarded with a certificate in celebration assembly.


Times Table Rockstar

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.

Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practised every third week or so.