Burnt Oak Primary School

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Burnt Oak Primary School


  1. Information
  2. SATs Results

Pupil Outcomes in 2023 (Unvalidated)

Foundation Stage
70% achieved a Good Level of Development (National average is - TBC% )

Phonics Check
79% met the threshold in the Year 1 Phonics Check (National average is TBC% )

KS1 SATs Results
Percentage achieving the expected standard or above in Reading, Writing and Maths

  • 65% in Reading (National average is TBC% )
  • 52% in Writing (National average is TBC % )
  • 60% in Maths (National average is TBC% )

KS2 SATs Results
Percentage achieving expected standard or above in Reading, Writing and Maths

  • 64% in Reading (National average is 73%)
  • 61% in Writing (National average is 71%)
  • 66% in Maths (National average is 73%)
  • 49% in Reading, Writing and Maths (National average is 59%)

Percentage achieving a high level of attainment in Reading, Writing and Maths

  • 19% in Reading (National average is TBC% )
  • 0% in Writing (National average is TBC% )
  • 7% in Maths (National average is TBC% )


Average scaled scores in Reading and Maths

Key Stage 2 results no longer use the previous system of levels, instead, test results are converted into ‘scaled scores’, with scores ranging from 80 to 120 and a score of 100 being the expected standard. Any score below this means the pupil is working ‘towards the expected standard’ and any score above means the pupil is working ‘above the expected standard’.

Average scales scores for pupils in 2023 were:

  • 102 in Reading 
  • 101 in Maths

Progress scores in Reading, Writing and Maths

The new progress measures are a type of value added measure which compare pupils' results to those of other pupils nationally with similar prior attainment at key stage 1. The National average is 0.

Average progress scores for pupils in 2019 were:

  • Reading   -2.6
  • Writing     -2.8
  • Maths      -2.0