Burnt Oak Primary School

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Richmond Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 1LS


01634 334344

Burnt Oak Primary School


  1. Parents
  2. School Meals

School Meals

Children may stay for lunch either bringing a packed lunch or having a school dinner, or they may go home for lunch. Children staying at school are supervised by our Teaching Assistants.

School Dinner

Independent Catering are the catering company providing our school lunches.

They offer a 3 choice menu with a meat/fish choice, a vegetarian choice and a pasta or jacket potato on alternate days. The menus are published on our website and on that of Independent Catering.

Please click https://www.independentcatering.co.uk/primary-schools

To accompany the main meal there is also a delicious salad bar with a choice of 12 freshly prepared salads, and homemade bread is also available daily.

There are 4 desserts from which to choose including the dessert of the day, fruit yogurt, fresh fruit and homemade cheese biscuits and cheese.

The 2 course lunch is great value at  £2.41 and free for all children in reception and KS1. This is worth over £400 per child per academic year!

90% of the menus are freshly prepared in the school kitchen which means we know what goes into the menus including any allergens. The allergen key is noted on the menus so you can determine if there is anything your child is unable to eat. In order that Independent Catering are aware of any allergies do please notify the school office if you are aware of anything new that your child must avoid.

Payment is made online through Squid. You can pay in advance but there is no longer the need to sign up weekly. You can now order a lunch daily which gives you far greater flexibility to choose what your child may like.

You will need to be in credit to order a meal.

Free School Meals

Universal Free School Meals

From September 2014 every pupil in Reception, Year 1 and 2 is eligible for free school meals.  We do hope children will take up this opportunity to have a free healthy meal.

Good food has been shown to lead to healthier, happier children, as well as helping them to perform better academically.  Schools have also reported improved behaviour and atmosphere as a result of all pupils eating together every day.


We ask that all eligible parents / carers complete school meals registration form so that we can continue to gain additional funding known as Pupil Premium, which is worth £1,320 a year per pupil for our school. This money is used to support a range of interventions which help children who are vulnerable to underachievement.

Applications for free school meals are made using the relevant forms which can be obtained from the school office. The forms should be sent to the Area Education Office directly. Parents / carers and the school will then be informed if free school meals will be provided.

More information on how we spend this money can be found on the Pupil Premium page of our school website.

Packed Lunch

Please provide a secure, named packed lunch box for your child. As a school that promotes healthy eating we ask that you provide a healthy, well-balanced meal and a still drink in a plastic bottle. Please do not include more than one small chocolate bar. Sweets are not part of a healthy lunch.